Saturday, August 1, 2015

two wolves !!!

The full moon night 

is a scary one 
cause this is when 
the wolf walks free
he prowls and he howls

and strolls alone

looking for his prey

in the jungle of the city.....

But he's not the wolf

who has red eyes

and sharp teeth

but he wears the hide

of the one you trust

he doesn't pound

or attack his prey

but lures them

with his eyes

his smile

and his music ofcourse!............

And when the maidens fall

for his false prey

he laughs aloud

as he marks them

and then he keeps them alive

so thet see the mark everyday

feel the pain everyday ...........

Fearing the wolf

mothers hide their little girls

thinking the wolf

can never come home

and so they stay back

on the full moon night

so the wolf cannot snif their scent..........

But i'm not scared

of the wolf anymore

And the full moon night

doesn't frighten me ..

with the arms of darkness

embracing me tonight

i smile as i walk on the dark streets

knowing that i can't get hurt

ever again

Knowing that the wolf doesn't

mark you twice...........

This is a poem i found on youtube and
the following one is the one i wrote to confront my demons !
surprisingly coincidentally we both called him the WOLF
So guys please go ahead give it a read watch this video !
and buddy whoever you are let me tell you this the wounds heal
scars they don't disappear
But we get to wear them like Armour like our battle suit !
cause this battle will not end tomorrow !