Saturday, August 1, 2015

two wolves !!!

The full moon night 

is a scary one 
cause this is when 
the wolf walks free
he prowls and he howls

and strolls alone

looking for his prey

in the jungle of the city.....

But he's not the wolf

who has red eyes

and sharp teeth

but he wears the hide

of the one you trust

he doesn't pound

or attack his prey

but lures them

with his eyes

his smile

and his music ofcourse!............

And when the maidens fall

for his false prey

he laughs aloud

as he marks them

and then he keeps them alive

so thet see the mark everyday

feel the pain everyday ...........

Fearing the wolf

mothers hide their little girls

thinking the wolf

can never come home

and so they stay back

on the full moon night

so the wolf cannot snif their scent..........

But i'm not scared

of the wolf anymore

And the full moon night

doesn't frighten me ..

with the arms of darkness

embracing me tonight

i smile as i walk on the dark streets

knowing that i can't get hurt

ever again

Knowing that the wolf doesn't

mark you twice...........

This is a poem i found on youtube and
the following one is the one i wrote to confront my demons !
surprisingly coincidentally we both called him the WOLF
So guys please go ahead give it a read watch this video !
and buddy whoever you are let me tell you this the wounds heal
scars they don't disappear
But we get to wear them like Armour like our battle suit !
cause this battle will not end tomorrow ! 

Friday, May 22, 2015

The Red Velvet Cupcake

I know it's late !!

but i have been very busy
and today i have a story for you

Dedicated to one of my really good friend
i present ...
The Red Velvet Cupcake
Baking is an art they say. It requires everything to be measured out perfectly. And cupcakes they were the cute cuddly devils of the baking world. Not only did they need the perfect measurement of all the ingredients, even the batter had to be measured out. One little cheat and the entire thing would just end up in the dumpster. Sometimes they would need an ingredient that had no place in the dessert world Like Salt or buttermilk and yet somehow they would just enhance the flavor of the cupcakes.
            Samira took out the last batch of her cupcakes and placed them in the carrier caddy just when Anirudh called her. She answered it while taking off her apron
“You want me to pick you up now or do you need an hour to get ready?” He asked sarcastically.
“And hello to you too” Samira replied.  Anirudh rolled his eyes
“Look you get here in fifteen minutes. I’ll be ready alright!”
“Fifteen minutes not a minute more. And I mean it woman. If you’re late I am going to leave and you’re going to carry those 200 cupcakes in an auto rickshaw.”
“You’re going to wait here while I get ready, load those cupcakes in the car along with the decorations because if I have to carry them in an auto you can forget your share of profit. And dare you speak to me that way again you’re not Dwayne Johnson and I will Smack you Pretty boy am I being clear?”
“Yes Ma’am” Anirudh replied.
They were best friends and business partners. Samira was the baker while Anirudh was the one who got them contracts and managed the accounts. And today they had to cater a birthday party of a sixteen year old who loved the red velvet cup cakes. And after baking 200 cupcakes she was exhausted she wore her red dress, slapped a little makeup, and dolled herself up just to hide her exhaustion. She lit up a cigarette while she waited for Anirudh. She took a puff and let out a smoke. She let her mind wander a little.  She was 28 running a successful baking business; her best friend was her business partner; she was living the life doing what she loved and there was nothing she wanted and could not have. Only if her parents would understand –You see 28, single and best friends with a guy isn’t exactly the best combination an Indian girl should have. This was the reason she moved out and was living alone. Because no matter how independent and successful she was, for her parents she still was a disappointment.
‘At least they don’t know I smoke’ she thought to herself. She was still in her thoughts and did not see Anirudh come in. he simply walked up to her took the half burned cigarette from her hand and extinguished it in an ashtray without saying a word. He hated it when she smoked but he knew that his entire lecture was going to fall on deaf ears. He then looked at her and smiled Red really was her color
“So are you playing who wore it best with the cupcakes?” he asked her as he loaded the cupcakes in his car. 
“Please everyone knows I am hotter and sweeter at the same time”
Samira answered as she got in the front seat. Anirudh rolled his eyes. He got behind the wheels and started to drive. The Fm radio of his car played an overhyped bollywood song Samira gave him a dirty look. While he gave her the ugliest grin one could imagine. Samira rolled her eyes and plugged her earphones in. Sia’s Chandelier played in her ears. She looked at him and smiled at the fact as to how many people have confused them to be a couple. Including their parents!  She remembered all the times their parents especially her mom insisted her to marry him. Not that she never toyed with the idea of doing the same, She was pretty sure He did too. And somehow they knew this should never happen.  She remember how every single breakup of theirs was followed by the other one coming in with Chinese food and Sula Riesling which was always finished by Samira irrespective of who had the broken heart .
How she was the one who stayed with Anirudh when his dad had a heart attack. Or how he made sure they were never cheated.  Or after an entire night of drinking he would get her home put her to bed and leave. Only to come back the next morning and make her nutella French toast.  She always makes some extra cupcakes just for him. In their little world there were no judgments and no expectations.  She was still engrossed in her thoughts when they reached the venue Chandelier was now replaced by Everytime by Brittany spears. She came back reality; she went to the back office while He unloaded the cupcakes. It took them a while to set the table and decorate the cakes and it looked just the way they wanted. Anirudh looked at her; She looked just like those cupcakes she had made delicate, Pretty and beautiful! He wondered how his life would be Samira was not a part of it. He would have probably been a web designer for some big multinational Or Some big corporate company. He would have earned better and lived comfortably but he would have missed the rush of completing orders and organizing parties.  And he would have missed Samira. He would miss their fights and patch ups. He would miss waiting outside of trial room while she tried dresses or be his shopping assistant. He would miss making her nutella French toast when she was hung over and soup when she was unwell. It was tiresome to handle someone like Samira but he didn’t hate it not even for a moment.
Everyone around them wondered who they were! If they were friend!  Did they love each other? What do you call a relationship like that? What do you label it as? Everyone around them wondered do they deserve each other or maybe something better? But they knew, they knew they loved each other and also that they can never be in love with each other. In their little world they were the perfect cupcake. She was the flour, the eggs, sugar and essence while he was the color, the flavor, the buttermilk and salt. They were the perfect measurement, the perfect amount, Beaten to perfection, Baked just right. They knew it was the perfect batter. Anything in excess will destroy it; Put it straight to the dumpster. This was a relationship that needed no label because it could not be defined. It wasn’t a relationship at all. They were cupcakes different everyday. Some days they were bitter and sweet like mocha cupcakes, other days just plain and simple like vanilla. And sometimes they needed a lot of work like the red velvet. At the end of the day however just like these delicious cupcakes their life was sweet and fulfilling. And no matter how hard they had to work, how patient they have to be A bite of that cupcake makes it all worth.   
Samira saw Anirudh coming towards her he waved the cheque as he smiled at her.
“Well taxes and buying price later we have a good 30% profit.”   Anirudh said.
“Time to celebrate then” Samira split their cupcake in half.
“This is delicious Samira you have done it again.” Anirudh said still stuffing his face.
“Hey Anirudh” she said “thanks”!
“Thanks? For what?” he asked.
“Just being you!” 
She was thankful for Anirudh just the way he was. Just the way her cupcake was.

Please read it share it as much as you can
and tell me about it
until next week
buh bye !!   

Friday, February 20, 2015

Worst Places To Propose !!!!

        Hi ! So firstly thank you all so much for reading my blog and showing me your love you all So I am back with a new post ! As you're all aware the Valentines week is over [thank god] and since that was my parents wedding anniversary My dad decided to follow Ted Mosbey's footsteps and I learned How He Met My Mother . And thankfully that didn't take nine years . Theirs was an office romance turned into an arranged marriage ! And my dad proposed her in Bharat Cafe Yup Ghatkoper !! And all I could think of was - at least it wasn't Lakshmi dairy !  I mean seriously you just asked a woman to marry you and you did that over Chai and allu cutlets ? not even masala dosa ? And that gave me the idea What are THE worst places to propose ? rounding them to top 5 here we go
  1.            TUITION CLASSES :                                                                                                             I have had a huge fight with my best friend on this one when he proposed his crush right outside Excell classes .. In front of our school friends and from other schools .. she obviously said no ! guys don't do this please don't do this ! First of all if you are in tuition classes and in school you shouldn't actually go around proposing people . Secondly tuition classes are fun ! Tuition classes are our Lizzy Mcguire , Hannah Montana , That's So Raven School fantasies come true ! We wear casuals to tuition classes the ones we never wear unless we have colorful day at school ! So those are our safe haven, our gossip central, Don't embarrass us there ! don't make us a laughing stalk Please ! And for people wondering am i still best friends with him ? hell yeah Bros before... girls who said no to him !!                                    
  2.           Malls  :                                                                                                                                       I am not even gonna say it ! WATCH THIS !!!  Now you know why ! guys Proposals are private matter . Don't do that in front of thousand strangers ! And trust me unless you are absolutely, madly ,stupidly ,irrevocably in love with each other and there are clear signs of marriage actually happening , No Indian girl is actually gonna give you a direct straightaway answer she'll need time to think ! If  you are gonna pressure her into saying an yes to the proposal immediately She's going to ram that guitar in your head !                                                      
  3.        Social Networks :                                                                                                                                  I hear you sister ! I do ! It has been going on since Orkut ! I mean seriously what has possessed you guys to replace the most intimate amazing moment of your life with a silly scrap, Whatsapp message , FB status ,Tweets , Facetime ,Snapchat they don't work either ! Unless you're Sheldon cooper that is ! In my experience the social network proposals always fail . you come across as creepy , pushy, annoying and just plain irritating ! it shows us that you just don't care about how we actually feel that you just want to get your word out and not know if we care .. And social network proposals are always met by social networking break ups and people can get real vindictive then . I mean do you really wanna see your "Mela baby kaisha hai " "baby ne khana khaya ?" messages being screenshot and discussed among their peer groups ? so take it from me people even if you met on a social networking group don't propose on one ...                                                                                                                                                 
  4. GYM :                                                                                                                                                         Why would you even think of proposing someone at the gym ? You are sweaty , you're stinking, YOU HAVEN'T EVEN TAKEN A SHOWER ! that just shows that you are lazy and don't even work a little bit to impress ! And by that i do not mean your fine physique your damn , hot physique ! I mean that little effort you take to think it through and plan it seriously Even if She's dating a player , a bad boy , a tough guy she will not say yes to Mr Stinkbomb and your biceps won't help you there !!                                                                                                                                    AND FOR THE FINALE
  5.         Public Transport :                                                                                                                                          If you're a true blue Mumbaikar like me you'd know Public Transports are our life lines and anybody and by that I mean anybody tries to come between us and our scheduled train or bus is our worst enemy .. Trust me my mom is just one missed 8:45 CST away from disowning me .. How are you even gonna do it ? If you propose her on platform you'd either get swept by the crowd into the dabba with the ring in your hand now if it is a general compartment with her being in ladies , You can either play DDLJ with her hand and your ring or wait for your destination and miss the moment But God forbid you get swept into the ladies Compartment ! i mean if you get into the ladies compartment not even BRAMHA can save you .. forget about your proposal you have to get out of there before being branded as a molester RUN RUN RUN baby RUN !!! 
If you propose her in a bus !! you might have to pass the ring to the ladies seat cause she ain't gonna give up a vacant seat in peak hour And honestly neither would you
Rickshaws and Taxis are out of question unless you want your beautifully written proposal speech getting drowned in honks of traffic ! and continous disturbance of chana walas and chadar walas and children book walas and many such walas ! you don't want that right 
              So guys the bottom line is Proposals are special they have to be unique ! It should end up like a beautiful story and not a nightmare ! I know it's a lot of pressure but if she is the one then it's worth it ! like Olaf said "Some people are worth melting for" and girls don't for a moment think that you can't give your man the amazing proposal he deserves "Ajj ki naari bhai " ! well you know what this is just a stupid blog post if you are truly in love with each other it doesn't matter where you propose what matters is that you did ! Your proposal story could be sneaking out of home for a cutting chai under the stars and it could give Alladin and Jasmin's carpet ride a run for it's money ! 
                  And that's all for today guys IF you like this blog please share it and comment on it and lemme know your crazy proposal stories ! I will be back with a new post next week with even more things I do ! Chio buddies

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Desperation Day !!

                 Heya Everybody ! So I have been toying with the Idea of writing a Blog, the problem was I didn't know what to write about Should it be a food blog , A restaurant review blog, A book review blog or movie review blog , A poetry blog or simply a blog ... so I thought and I thought and I thought some more and decided that my blog should be just like me as diverse and as confused here you have Things I do ! A blog that will have everything from a recipe and photos and poems and just thing in general  .. 
             So today is 13th February A.K.A a day before Valentines Day  A.K.A The Desperation Day All my How I Met Your Mother fans can I get a Hi5 ? For all those who did not get the reference Barney Stinson - The Most Epic TV Character ever written until Tyrion Lannister came into being , Enlightened us lesser privileged about the glorious and beautiful Desperation Day Designed solely to fulfill the needs of every woman alone on the Valentines Day  Click on the link to know about history of Desperation Day. Now being a Single woman on Valentines Day I know your plight believe me i understand and unlike you I can't even claim to be with my family cause 14th Feb marks the wedding anniversary of my Mom and Dad  !see even they have a reason to celebrate valentines day ! And this is why we celebrate Desperation Day ! Honestly speaking Desperation day makes more sense than Valentines Day .. You wanna know why alright here you go !
            See on Valentines day all of us wake up snorting estrogen, on a naturally generated Ecstasy hangover . Everywhere you look you're gonna find couples canoodling with teddy bears and chocolates and heart balloons staring at you from Archies window , you are bound to be annoyed almost teary eyed .. In the spirit of holiday and consumed with these hormones, marinating our brains with  3 hours of Saainyaan , Teri Divani and Tum se hi  , We are tormented by our happy in a relationship sisters  and their good looking misters !  I am kidding of course you chose to fall in love and I chose a big tub of Amul chocolate chip ice-cream smothered in Hershey syrup . But Desperation  day is our Day Hahahahahahhahahahhahhha!! it's the day for us single girls it's the day when we are hit upon ! We are treated as queens ! We are the Daenerys Targaryen and Robin Scherbatsky and it's our day ! We can shop all we like , drink make merry and have guys hitting on us and we can enjoy that 15 minutes of attention just the way you get on Valentines Day .
               Celebrating Valentines day in India is often a little dangerous cause you always have "guardians" of our culture with the idea of love being celebrated as it is against "Indian culture" so you cannot fall in love unless you're Radha and Krishna . Couples found together are often married of forcefully . This scenario becomes a little tricky for people like me who celebrate valentines day with their besties who are of opposite sex  eeikes !!! but luckily for us Desperation Day is here .. You can simply go out 13th of February meet up at PopTates share a beer and sizzlers click a few pictures and upload them on 14th February along with your friends who are dating .. and believe me you'd still be busy on valentines day every relative, nosy neighbor and friends are gonna call you to ask you if you are "finally" dating ! whatever that means ! I mean people you have been watching too much of Maine Pyar Kiya  -ladka-ladki dost ho sakte hai ! and of course no fear of getting beaten up as well cause technically it wasn't a date ! you just met up for dinner . 
                 And finally the best reason I love Desperation day is you don't have to look your best . Girls face it i know  what you go through finding the perfect dress red/black or pink, spending huge amount in the beauty parlors being threaded , Waxed , colored etc for the perfect night ! and guy i know the pressure of having to make that night perfect ! yeah none of that on the Desperation Day I mean seriously you could be in D-mart :p shopping for a few cans of Rio accai berry and a big packet of Lays Magic masala or Balaji chat chaska and you can have a guy help you reach the top shelf and make a conversation with you because you're wearing your favorite "winter is coming" hoodie . Why you ask "Desperation Day " homies . you're not trying to impress anybody it's a genuine conversation- keep your guard down -make a new friend ! 
                 So there you have it Valentines Day V/S Desperation Day . And people in no ways am i trying to say that Single people are better than couples . It's just a funny article I wrote because I can!! if you are in a relationship with someone please celebrate valentines show your beloved how much you love them ! show the world how much you love each other just spread the love in this war infected hatred filled world ! And my single ladies it's 13th February which I have just realized is Friday the 13th So do what i am doing channel your inner Beyonce get all your single sisters and party ! have a pajama party get loads of ice-cream and dance on single ladies !! 
                   All of that aside I do wish all of you a very happy Valentines day I hope cupid strikes you right in the heart . And if you like this blog please share it and read it and subscribe it and i promise to bring many more of these every week and tell you about more things I do ! until then Chio my buddies !
-Srushty Kamble